
rendering all supported html tags

Title rendering all supported html tags
Author(s) LiXizhi
Date 2008/2/16
File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/MCML/pe_html.lua


support formatting to the following tag and their attributes:
_text_, h1, h2,h3, h4, li, p, div, hr, font, span, strong, a(href), img(attr: src,height, width, title), form, label
__anyTag__(style="float:left;color: #006699; text-align: right;background:url;background-color:#FF0000;
   font-family: Arial; font-size: 14pt;font-weight: bold;text-shadow:true;
   left: -60px; position: relative|absolute; top: 30px;width: 100px;height: 100px;
   class:"box";margin:5;margin-top:5;padding:5;" onload="MyOnLoadFunc" display="none"),
   _Note_: MyOnLoadFunc(mcmlNode) is called immediately after the mcml node UI is created. This is usually used in <pe:mcml onload="MyClass.MyFunc()"></pe:mcml>
<input type="text|radio|checkbox|submit|button|hidden|reset|password" name="", value=""/> <textarea name="music" rows="4"></textarea>
By default: text, span, font,a(href) will be inline controls, i.e. they float around previous control, allowing content to automatically wrap to the next line. 

div tag

Div is one of the most frequently used display blocks. It is a container of other tags.

Property DescriptionsSorted descending
onclick when this is set, the inner nodes are rendered but not interactive, clicking on the client area of div will trigger the onclick(name, mcmlNode) call back function
background2 the mouse over background
style string: css style string most css properties are supported.
class some prefined css style name. such as "box", "defaultbutton"
background same as css style property background
align nil or "center", "right" is supported. it is only used when css:max-width is specified
tooltip mouse over tooltip.Only valid when onclick is not empty.
width it can be like "100px" or "90%", it will override settings in style attribute
height it can be like "100px" or "90%", it will override settings in style attribute
display if this is "none", the node will be skipped during rendering.
trans for any div style tags, including the pe:mcml page, we can use the trans attribute to specify how the child nodes are translated. if this is "no" or "none", no translation of the child nodes are used. otherwise, it is the translation file's base name, such as "IDE", "ParaWorld", "OfficialMCML"
enabled "true" or "false", if "false", all inner nodes will be locked. ccs.background will be displayed as an overlay image.
Special css property
background-rotation [-3.14, 3.14]
max-width if the max-width is specified, content will have a maximum width. if the align property is "center", content will be centered. this is usually used on the pe:mcml tag such as
<pe:mcml style="max-width:400px" align="center">text</pe:mcml>

background property: the css background can be of following. e.g.

  1. background:a.jpg; This is an image relative to the current page's directory.
  2. background:url(a.jpg: 4 4 4 4); we can specify a sub region like in NPL control's background property
  3. background:url(a.jpg# 0 0 32 32); where # stands for ; in standard NPL UI background property, since css does not allow ; in string.

a tag

it is similar to html a tag except that the href property recoginizes the following url.

href property
if href begins with "open://filepath", it will try to open the file using ShellExecute("open", "explorer.exe",rootDir..filepath). It will automatically append paraengine root directory prior to filepath. if href begins with "http://filepath" and target property is not specified, it will ask the user whether to open the link using an external or internel Internet web browser. if href is just a file without any sub directory, it will be considered a relative path and will automatically append the current page directory before opening it. if href is a file with sub directory, it will be regarded as a local file relative to the root of paraengine directory.

target property
It may be "_self", "_blank", "_mcmlblank", "[iframename]". if this property is specified, the href will be regarded as mcml page file even if it begins with http. iframename can be any iframe control name, where the href mcml page will be opened. if it is "_self", it will be opened in the current page control. if it begins with "_mcmlblank", it will be opened in a new popup mcml window. "framewidth" and "frameheight" property can be used to specify newly opened window size.

onclick property
if there is an onclick property and href is not specified, the onclick function will be called with parameters specified in param1, param2, ... property of the node. Please note that: unlike button onclick, the function is not executed in page scoping and therefore must be a global function. However if the type property is button or name or id property is not nil, page scoping is enabled. Example

   without page scoping: <a onclick="Map3DSystem.App.profiles.ProfileManager.AddAsFriend" param1='<%=Eval("uid")%>'>Add as friend</a>
   with page scoping: <a type="button" onclick="Map3DSystem.App.CCS.AvatarRegPage.UpdateAvatar" param1='<%=Eval("index")%>'>select</a>

other properties:

tooltip mouse over text to display
height forcing a given height, such as in chat pe:name

   <a onclick="Map3DSystem.App.profiles.ProfileManager.AddAsFriend" param1='<%=Eval("uid")%>'>Add as friend</a>

iframe tag

src empty or the url of mcml page to load by default
cachepolicy cache policy to use with the default src url. such as "access plus 10 days"

TIP Sample Code


Member Functions


 pe_html: pure text
local pe_html = {};
Map3DSystem.mcml_controls.pe_html = pe_html;

pe_html.css = {
   ["h1"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 3,
      ["margin-left"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 5,
      ["font-weight"] = "bold",
      ["font-size"] = "13",
      headimage = "Texture/unradiobox.png",
      headimagewidth = 16,
   ["h2"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 3,
      ["margin-left"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 3,
      ["font-weight"] = "bold",
      ["font-size"] = "12",
      headimage = "Texture/unradiobox.png",
      headimagewidth = 14,
   ["h3"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 3,
      ["margin-left"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 2,
      ["font-weight"] = "bold",
      headimage = "Texture/unradiobox.png",
      headimagewidth = 12,
   ["h4"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 3,
      ["margin-left"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 1,
      ["font-weight"] = "bold",
      headimage = "Texture/unradiobox.png",
      headimagewidth = 10,
   ["li"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 0,
      ["margin-left"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 0,
      headimage = "Texture/unradiobox.png",
      headimagewidth = 8,
   ["ul"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 3,
      ["margin-left"] = 5,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 3,
   ["p"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 1,
      ["margin-left"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 1,
   ["span"] = {
   ["font"] = {
      ["font-family"] = Map3DSystem.DefaultFontFamily,
      ["font-size"] = Map3DSystem.DefaultFontSize,
      ["font-weight"] = Map3DSystem.DefaultFontWeight,
   ["b"] = {
      ["font-weight"] = "bold",
   ["strong"] = {
      ["font-weight"] = "bold",
   ["img"] = {
      ["width"] = 200,
      ["height"] = 150,
   ["hr"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 2,
      ["margin-left"] = 5,
      ["margin-right"] = 5,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 2,
      ["height"] = 1,
      background = "Texture/whitedot.png",
      ["background-color"] = "150 150 150 255",
   ["a"] = {
      color = "#1940be", --"#006699",
      ["padding"] = 1,
      -- TODO: use a small image with a 1 pixel bright border. 
      background = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/href.png:2 2 2 2"
   ["iframe"] = {
      ["padding"] = 0,
      ["margin"] = 0,
   ["div"] = {
      -- whether this object allows surrounding controls to floating around(either before or after) it. 
      -- Note: the css.width can be explicitly specified or not, in order for this control to float after previous control. 
      -- float = "left",
   ["pe:mcml"] = {
   -- HTML extension
   ["pe:a"] = {
      color = "#006699",
      ["padding"] = 10,
      ["margin"] = 0,
      --["margin-top"] = 32,
      --["margin-bottom"] = 32,
      --["margin-left"] = 32,
      --["margin-right"] = 32,
      -- TODO: use a small image with a 1 pixel bright border. 
      background = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/href.png:2 2 2 2",
   ["pe:world"] = {
      color = "#1940be", --"#006699",
      ["padding"] = 1,
      background = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/href.png:2 2 2 2",
   -- social tags
   ["pe:avatar"] = {
      ["width"] = 256,
      ["height"] = 256,
   ["pe:name"] = {
      --["color"] = "#006699",
   ["pe:profile-photo"] = {
   -- map related tags
   ["pe:map"] = {
      ["width"] = 256,
      ["height"] = 256,
   ["pe:minimap"] = {
      ["width"] = 128,
      ["height"] = 128,
   -- HTML related tags
   ["pe:editor"] = {
      ["padding"] = 5,
   ["pe:editor-button"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 2,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 2,
      ["height"] = 22,
   ["pe:editor-text"] = {
      ["margin-top"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 2,
      ["lineheight"] = 20,
   ["pe:treeview"] = {
   ["pe:treenode"] = {
   ["pe:filebrowser"] = {
   ["pe:canvas3d"] = {
   ["pe:GridView"] = {
   ["pe:pager"] = {
   ["pe:download"] = {
      background = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/href.png:2 2 2 2",
   ["pe:label"] = {
      height = 18,
   ["pe:fileupload"] = {
   ["pe:progressbar"] = {
   ["pe:sliderbar"] = {
   ["pe:numericupdown"] = {
   ["pe:colorpicker"] = {
   ["pe:slide"] = {
   ["input-select"] = {
      --["margin-top"] = 0,
      ["margin-bottom"] = 2,
      ["lineheight"] = 20,
   ["pe:tabs"] = {
      ["padding-left"] = 10,
      ["ItemSpacing"] = 2,
      ["padding-right"] = 0,
      -- this is used as the tab button height
      ["padding-top"] = 18, 
      ["padding-botom"] = 5,
      --["background"] = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/ThemeLightBlue/tabview_body.png: 5 5 5 5",
      --["background"] = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/ThemeLightBlue/container_bg.png: 4 4 4 4",
      ["background"] = "Texture/Aquarius/Common/Container_32bits.png: 5 5 5 5",
      ["TextColor"] = "0 0 0",
      ["SelectedTextColor"] = "0 0 0",
      -- please note that: MouseOverItemBG does not support 9 tile ":" texture name yet.
      -- ["MouseOverItemBG"] = "Texture/Aquarius/Common/Tabitem_Selected_32bits.png; 0 0 16 18: 6 15 6 2",
      ["UnSelectedMenuItemBG"] = "Texture/Aquarius/Common/Tabitem_Unselected_32bits.png; 0 0 16 18: 6 15 6 2",
      ["SelectedMenuItemBG"] = "Texture/Aquarius/Common/Tabitem_Selected_32bits.png; 0 0 16 18: 6 15 6 2",
   ["pe:tab-item"] = {
      -- the tab button height plus some space, such as 20+1
      ["padding-top"] = 5, 
      ["padding-botom"] = 5,
   ["pe:ribbonbar"] = {
      -- the tab button bottom height plus some space, such as 16+4
      ["padding"] = 2, 
      ["padding-bottom"] = 16,
      --["color"] = "#000000", -- text color
      ["background"] = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/ThemeLightBlue/ribbonbar.png: 5 5 5 20",
      ["background2"] = "Texture/3DMapSystem/common/ThemeLightBlue/ribbonbar_hl.png: 5 5 5 20",
   ["pe:command"] = {
      ["margin"] = 4, 
      ["margin-left"] = 2, 
      ["margin-right"] = 2,
      -- button width
      ["width"] = 20, -- 28 is good
   ["pe:asset"] = {
      -- button width
      ["width"] = 48,
   ["pe:bag"] = {
      ["padding"] = 2, 


function pe_html.create(rootName,mcmlNode, bindingContext, _parent, left, top, width, height)




pe_text: pure text
local pe_text = {}; Map3DSystem.mcml_controls.pe_text = pe_text;

it will create text in available position as single lined, or as multilined in new line position. the control takes up whatever vertical space needed to display the text as a paragraph,

  • param mcmlNode : is a text
  • param css : nil or a table containing css style, such as {color=string, href=string}. This is a style object to be associated with each node.


function pe_text.create(rootName,mcmlNode, bindingContext, _parent, left, top, width, height, css, parentLayout)


mcmlNode is a text


pe_simple_styles: it handles HTML tags of h1, h2,h3, h4, li, p, div, each supporting css style property. it supports "display" attribute, it is similar to css.display property, except that it only recognize "none" as input
local pe_simple_styles = {}; Map3DSystem.mcml_controls.pe_simple_styles = pe_simple_styles;

always create the control on a new line and use up all available horizontal space. the control takes up whatever vertical space needed to display its inner content,

  • param mcmlNode : is a text


function pe_simple_styles.create(rootName,mcmlNode, bindingContext, _parent, left, top, width, height, style, parentLayout)


mcmlNode is a text


get the MCML value on the node


function pe_simple_styles.GetValue(mcmlNode)




set the MCML value on the node


function pe_simple_styles.SetValue(mcmlNode, value)




pe_iframe: it handles HTML tags of