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美术流程 () 什么是美术流程? 美术流程,在具体形式上是由美术团队的成员(如美术项目经理(TA) )撰写的一个文本...
Art Pipeline () What is an art pipeline? An art pipeline, in tangible form, is a text document written by a member (such as TechnicalArtist (TA)) of an art team...
Frame Rate Optimization Excerpt and partially modified from Game Studio Manual A7: Frame Rate Optimization The frame rate is the number of frames rendered per second...
Official Documentation Official documentation pages were written and carefully reviewed by ParaEngine software engineers. General Reference Installation... Contents Description 移除一个EMAIL,只能移除自己收到的EMAIL Parameters Required Name Type Description required... Contents Description 分页返回当前登录用户收到的所有EMAIL(不返回具体内容) Parameters Required Name Type... Contents Description 取得指定EMAIL的详细数据 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string ... Contents Description 登录用户向指定的用户发送一封EMAIL(指社区中的EMAIL,非真实的电子邮件),只有相关...
ParaWorld Users user info Title user info Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/1/21 File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/API/paraworld.users.lua...
ParaWorld Profile App profile management API Title App profile management API Author(s) LiXizhi,CYF Date 2008/1/21 File script/kids...
ParaWorld Marketplace a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Map a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Map Microcomos Query Language (MQL) Title Microcomos Query Language (MQL) Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/5/22 File script/kids...
ParaWorld Lobby lobby services Title lobby services Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/1/21 File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/API/paraworld.lobby...
ParaWorld Inventory a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Friends querying and managing friends. Title querying and managing friends. Author(s) LiXizhi,CYF Date 2008/1/21 File script...
ParaWorld Auth It is for client and application to authenticate a user and return or verify a session key. Title It is for client and application to authenticate...
ParaWorld Apps a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Actionfeed a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
JgslLib Design doc of Jabber Game Server Lite(JGSL) Author(s) LiXizhi Date: 2007/11/6, doc replenished 2008.6.22 by LiXizhi, refactored by 2008.12.27 LiXizhi...
JGSL stringmap various string map for encoding string to int Title various string map for encoding string to int Author(s) LiXizhi Date...
JGSL serverproxy epolling style server proxy for client communicating with server. Title epolling style server proxy for client communicating with server....
JGSL servermode loop main loop file for dedicated server mode Title main loop file for dedicated server mode Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008.9....
JGSL servermode server mode of JGSL grid server Title server mode of JGSL grid server Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008.8.6 File script/kids...
JGSL server OBSOLETED use JGSL grid instead: When a jabber server receives a message from the client, it will accept it or reject it. If accepted, it will reply so...
JGSL query Jabber query Title Jabber query Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/6/27, File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork/JGSL query.lua...
JGSL msg def all messages used by JGSL Title all messages used by JGSL Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2007/11/6 File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork...
JGSL history JGSL Grid (grid server) Title JGSL Grid (grid server) Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/8/3 File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork...
JGSL grid JGSL Grid (grid server) Title JGSL Grid (grid server) Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/8/3 File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork...
JGSL gateway JGSL gateway Title JGSL gateway Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/12/23 File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork/JGSL gateway.lua...
JGSL config JGSL server configuration. Title JGSL server configuration. Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/12/25 File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork...
JGSL clientproxy client proxy for server communicating with client Title client proxy for server communicating with client Author(s) LiXizhi Date...
JGSL client The jabber client will send the first message to the server, and wait for the server`s reply until the next message is sent. If the client does not receive...
JGSL agentstream compressed agent stream to be sent via network Title compressed agent stream to be sent via network Author(s) LiXizhi Date...
JGSL agent agent in a server or client Title agent in a server or client Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2007/11/6, refined with no sim 2008.8.6...
EmuUsers user emulation module Title user emulation module Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/12/21 File script/kids/3DMapSystemNetwork/EmuUsers...
DesktopWnd Desktop window for 3d map system Title Desktop window for 3d map system Author(s) WangTian, Date 2008/1/23 File script/kids...
BaseApp Base class to all application. Title Base class to all application. Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2007/12/28 File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp...
AppTaskBar Application Task Bar for paraworld Title Application Task Bar for paraworld Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/5/13 File script...
AppRegistration Registrations for applications. Title Registrations for applications. Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2007/12/28 File script...
App Object the app object asscoiated with each application. Title the app object asscoiated with each application. Author(s) LiXizhi Date...
AppMainMenu Mainmenu in InGame UI for 3D Map system Title Mainmenu in InGame UI for 3D Map system Author(s) Andy, Xizhi Date 2007/12/29...
AppKeys well known application keys Title well known application keys Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/1/3 File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp...
AppDesktop public desktop functions Title public desktop functions Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/6/12 File script/kids/3DMapSystemUI...
ParaEngine Extension an extension library to all ParaEngine namespaces Title an extension library to all ParaEngine namespaces Author(s) LiXizhi...
PageCtrl an interactive NPL control initialized from a MCML file Title an interactive NPL control initialized from a MCML file Author(s) LiXizhi...
NPL UI and Event / @page ParaEngine events ParaEngine Events @author LiXizhi bind the event register example function helloworld.ReBindEventHandlers() NPL.load...
Motion Lib Member Functions AnimatorEngine:new timeline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 max level 1 animator animator animator animator animator level 2 animator...
ManagedResourceStore ManagedResourceStore : public Title ManagedResourceStore : public Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/2/25 File script...
Do not edit this page . It is automatically generated from `script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/MCML/readme.lua`, so edit the source file instead. What is MCML? MCML...

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