NPL Scripting Reference for ParaEngine Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ParaEngine::CEventHandlerEvent handler
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::EditorEventWorld editor events, such as scene selection, etc
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::EventGeneral event
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::KeyEventSimple key events struct
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::MouseEventSimple mouse event struct
ParaEngine::CEventHandler::SystemEventSystem events struct
ParaEngine::CEventsCenterGlobal pool for user registered custom events
NPL::ChannelPropertyDefault channel property
NPL::CNPLRuntimeCNPLRuntime is a wrapper of the NPL application programming interface (NPL API)
ParaScripting::CNPLRuntimeStateFor binding c++ classes to lua
NPL::CNPLSensorClass: CNPLSensor Description: Derived from SensorEntity class
NPL::GliaFileGliaFiles in NPL are always executed in the receiver environment and share the same global environment in which they are executed
ParaEngine::INPLJabberClientNPL interface of a Jabber-XMPP client proxy
ParaEngine::INPLWebServiceNPL interface of a XML Web service client proxy
ParaEngine::INPLWebServiceClientInterface of NPL web service client
ParaScripting::JabberClientManagerJabber client manager or factory
NPL::NeuronFileNeuron file is the primary file in NPL
ParaScripting::NPLNeural Parallel Language functions are in this namespace
NPL::NPLAddressAddress of NPL runtime environment
NPL::NPLFileCanonicalCanonical NPL file name use NPLFileName instead of this simple version
NPL::NPLFileNameFull name of a NPL file name
ParaScripting::NPLJabberClientNPL Jabber Client class
ParaScripting::NPLPackageThe current NPL package
NPL::NPLPendingPacketStruct: NPLPendingPacket packets that are waiting to be sent either because of an unconnected destination or an unknown namespace
NPL::NPLTimerTimer struct
ParaScripting::Para3DCanvasPara3DCanvas class:
ParaScripting::ParaAssetParaAsset namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to manage resources(asset) used in game world composing, such as 3d models, textures, animations, sound, etc
ParaScripting::ParaAssetObjectIt represents an asset entity
ParaScripting::ParaAttributeObjectIt represents an attribute object associated with an object
ParaScripting::ParaAudioAudio Engine functions
ParaScripting::ParaBootStrapperParaGlobal namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to access the boot strapper functionality
ParaScripting::ParaBrowserManagerManaging HTML browsers
ParaScripting::ParaCameraThe camera controller
ParaScripting::ParaCharacterParaObject class: it is used to control game scene objects from scripts
ParaScripting::ParaDataProviderWrapper of internal ParaWorld data provider
ParaScripting::ParaEngineGlobal game engine related functions, such as ParaEngineCore interface, copy right information, simple water marking
ParaEngine::ParaEngineSettingsGlobal settings for ParaEngine
ParaScripting::ParaFaceTrackingCtrlerParaFaceTrackingCtrler object: it will allow the biped to always face to a given target or another biped
ParaScripting::ParaFileObjectFile object
ParaScripting::ParaFlashPlayerFlash player
ParaScripting::ParaGlobalParaGlobal namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to globally control the engine
ParaScripting::ParaHTMLBrowserHTML browser control and texture
ParaScripting::ParaIOParaIO class: IO functions ported to the scripting system
ParaScripting::ParaKidsDataProviderWrapper of internal ParaWorld data provider
ParaScripting::ParaMiniSceneGraphParaMiniSceneGraph class:
ParaScripting::ParaMiscContains miscellaneous functions
ParaScripting::ParaMovieMovie making and screen capture functions
ParaScripting::ParaMovieCtrlerParaMovieCtrler object: it is used to control time based movie of character object
ParaScripting::ParaNetworkAPI wrapper for NPL Network Layer functions
ParaScripting::ParaObjectParaObject class: it is used to control game scene objects from scripts
ParaScripting::ParaObjectNodeFor Para Script global dictionary object
ParaScripting::ParaPacketNPL Network packet
ParaScripting::ParaParamBlockList of CParameter{name, value} pairs of anything
ParaScripting::ParaSceneParaScene namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to create and modify scene objects in paraworld
ParaScripting::ParaSearchResultIt represents a search result
ParaScripting::ParaSelectionA pool of currently selected objects
ParaScripting::ParaSeqCtrlerParaSeqCtrler object: A sequence controller is a biped controller which moves the biped according to some predefined sequence
ParaScripting::ParaTerrainContains Terrain functions
ParaScripting::ParaToolTipGUI tooltip object
ParaScripting::ParaUIParaUI namespace contains a list of HAPI functions to create user interface controls, such as windows, buttons, as well as event triggers
ParaScripting::ParaUIFontGUI font object
ParaScripting::ParaUIGraphicsGUI graphics object which contains 2D primitives
ParaScripting::ParaUIObjectIt represents a GUI object
ParaScripting::ParaUIPenGUI pen object
ParaScripting::ParaUITextureGUI texture object
ParaScripting::ParaWorldWorld creation functions
ParaScripting::ParaXMLParaXML class
ParaScripting::ParaZipWriterParaZipWriter class: creating zip files
SensorEntityStructure: SensorEntity
SensorKeyStructure: SensorKey Description: the unique key object for Sensor entity
NPL::UIReceiversList of NPL runtime address

Generated on Mon Dec 1 14:34:42 2008 for NPL Scripting Reference for ParaEngine by  doxygen 1.5.2