ParaScripting::ParaIO Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

ParaIO class: IO functions ported to the scripting system.

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * DecodePath (const char *input)
 replace variables in input path and return the result path.
static const char * EncodePath (const char *input)
 this does reverse of DecodePath.
static const char * EncodePath2 (const char *input, const char *varNames)
 same as EncodePath, except that it will only replace variables who name appears in varNames.
static bool AddPathVariable (const char *sVarName, const char *sVarValue)
 add a new variable to the replaceable pool
static bool AddSearchPath (const char *sFile)
 add a search path to the search path pool.
static bool AddSearchPath2 (const char *sFile, int nPriority)
static bool RemoveSearchPath (const char *sFile)
 remove a search path from the search path pool.
static bool ClearAllSearchPath ()
 clear all search paths.
static unsigned long CRC32 (const char *filename)
 Get the CRC 32 code of a given file.
static void UpdateMirrorFiles (const char *dirName, bool bOverwrite)
 this function is equivalent to calling the following functions.
static ParaZipWriter CreateZip (const char *fn, const char *password)
 call this to start the creation of a zip file.
static int DeleteFile (const char *sFilePattern)
 delete a given file.
static bool MoveFile (const char *src, const char *dest)
 The MoveFile function will move (rename) either a file or a directory (including its children) either in the same directory or across directories.
static bool CopyFile (const char *src, const char *dest, bool bOverride)
 The CopyFile function copies an existing file to a new file.
static bool CreateNewFile (const char *filename)
 create a new file for writing.
static bool OpenFileWrite (const char *filename)
 open a new file for write-only access.
static bool OpenFile (const char *filename)
 Open a file for read-only access.
static ParaFileObject open (const char *filename, const char *mode)
 Open or create a file e.g.
static ParaFileObject openimage (const char *filename, const char *mode)
 open an image file.
static bool CreateDirectory (const char *filename)
 make directory
static void CloseFile ()
 Close the current file.
static void WriteString (const char *str)
 write a string to the current file.
static const char * readline ()
 read line as a string.
static void write (const char *buffer, int nSize)
 write a buffer to the current file.
static bool DoesFileExist (const char *filename, bool bSearchZipFiles)
 Check whether a given file exists on disk.
static bool DoesFileExist_ (const char *filename)
 see DoesFileExist().
static bool BackupFile (const char *filename)
 backup a specified file, if the file exists.
static ParaSearchResult SearchFiles (const char *sRootPath, const char *sFilePattern, const char *sZipArchive, int nSubLevel, int nMaxFilesNum, int nFrom)
 search files at once.
static ParaSearchResult SearchFiles_c (const char *sRootPath, const char *sFilePattern, const char *sZipArchive, int nSubLevel)
static string GetCurDirectory (DWORD dwDirectoryType)
 get the current directory of the application.
static const char * GetCurDirectory_ (DWORD dwDirectoryType)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string GetParentDirectoryFromPath (const char *sfilename, int nParentCounts)
 trim the sFile by nParentCounts number of parent directories.
static const char * GetParentDirectoryFromPath_ (const char *sfilename, int nParentCounts)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string AutoFindParaEngineRootPath (const char *sFile)
 This will find the root path from a given directory path using the following rule: find a file called "ParaEngine.sig" in the parent directories of sFile, from near to far.
static const char * AutoFindParaEngineRootPath_ (const char *sFile)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string ChangeFileExtension (const char *sFile, const string &sExt)
 change the file extension.
static const char * ChangeFileExtension_ (const char *sFile, const string &sExt)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string GetFileExtension (const char *sFile)
 get the file extension.
static const char * GetFileExtension_ (const char *sFile)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string GetRelativePath (const char *sAbsolutePath, const char *sRootPath)
 Get the relative file path by stripping the root path from the beginning.
static const char * GetRelativePath_ (const char *sAbsolutePath, const char *sRootPath)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string GetAbsolutePath (const char *sRelativePath, const char *sRootPath)
 Get the absolute file path by appending the root path before the relative path.
static const char * GetAbsolutePath_ (const char *sRelativePath, const char *sRootPath)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static string GetFileName (const char *sFilePath)
 get only the file name from the file path.
static const char * GetFileName_ (const char *sFilePath)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static int GetFileSize (const char *sFilePath)
 The GetFileSize function retrieves the size of the specified file.
static string ToCanonicalFilePath (const char *sfilename, bool bBackSlash)
 convert a file name to canonical file path
static const char * ToCanonicalFilePath__ (const char *sfilename, bool bBackSlash)
 this should never be called from the scripting interface.
static void SetDiskFilePriority (int nPriority)
 set the disk file priority.
static int GetDiskFilePriority ()
 set the disk file priority.

Member Function Documentation

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::DecodePath ( const char *  input  )  [static]

replace variables in input path and return the result path.

see AddPathVariable

input,: a path with or without replaceable. make sure you have called ToCanonicalFilePath() to canonicalize the input before calling this function
the resulting path. Please note that the return value is the input itself if nothing is replaced. otherwise, it is a static string reference containing the result. therefore the result is NOT thread safe.

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::EncodePath ( const char *  input  )  [static]

this does reverse of DecodePath.

see AddPathVariable

input,: a path with or without replaceable. make sure you have called ToCanonicalFilePath() to canonicalize the input before calling this function

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::EncodePath2 ( const char *  input,
const char *  varNames 
) [static]

same as EncodePath, except that it will only replace variables who name appears in varNames.

varNames is a comma separated list of variable names.

varNames,: a comma separated list of variable names. like "WORLD,USERID", etc.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::AddPathVariable ( const char *  sVarName,
const char *  sVarValue 
) [static]

add a new variable to the replaceable pool

sVarName,: the variable name without enclosing %%, such as "WORLD", "USERID", usually uppercase.
sVarValue,: the path that the variable expands to. If nil, it will remove the variable.
: true if succeed. it may return false, if a protected variable with the same name already exist but it not editable via scripting interface.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::AddSearchPath ( const char *  sFile  )  [static]

add a search path to the search path pool.

It will internally normalize the path and check for duplicates note: this function shall not be called by an untrusted client, since it will secretly swap files. : shall we support remote http zip file as a valid search path?

unsigned long ParaScripting::ParaIO::CRC32 ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

Get the CRC 32 code of a given file.

: return 0 if not succeed, otherwise the CRC32 code is returned.

void ParaScripting::ParaIO::UpdateMirrorFiles ( const char *  dirName,
bool  bOverwrite 
) [static]

this function is equivalent to calling the following functions.

LoadLogFromFile("InstallFiles.txt"); LoadLogFromFile("temp/filelog.txt"); MirrorFiles(dirName, bOverwrite);

e.g. UpdateMirrorFiles("_InstallFiles/", true);

dirName,: such as "_InstallFiles/"
bOverwrite,: if this is true, existing files will be overridden.

int ParaScripting::ParaIO::DeleteFile ( const char *  sFilePattern  )  [static]

delete a given file.

It will reject any system files outside the application directory. after all, this function is of high security level.

sFilePattern,: such as "*.dds", "temp.txt", etc
: the number of files deleted.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::MoveFile ( const char *  src,
const char *  dest 
) [static]

The MoveFile function will move (rename) either a file or a directory (including its children) either in the same directory or across directories.

src specifies the name of an existing file
dest specifies the name of the new file
true if succeeds

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::CopyFile ( const char *  src,
const char *  dest,
bool  bOverride 
) [static]

The CopyFile function copies an existing file to a new file.

src specifies the name of an existing file
dest specifies the name of the new file
bOverride [in] If this parameter is false and the new file specified by src already exists, the function fails. If this parameter is true and the new file already exists, the function overwrites the existing file and succeeds.
true if succeeds

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::CreateNewFile ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

create a new file for writing.

it will make all necessary directories in order to create the file.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::OpenFileWrite ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

open a new file for write-only access.

If the file does not exist, it will be created. if the file exists, the file pointer is at the end of file.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::OpenFile ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

Open a file for read-only access.

ParaFileObject ParaScripting::ParaIO::open ( const char *  filename,
const char *  mode 
) [static]

Open or create a file e.g."temp/test.txt", "w");

mode : access mode
  • "r" Opens for reading. If the file does not exist or cannot be found, the call fails.
  • "w" Opens an empty file for writing. If the given file exists, its contents are destroyed.If not, file will be created.
  • "a" append to the end of an existing file. if file does not exist, a new one is created.
file object is returned.

ParaScripting::ParaFileObject ParaScripting::ParaIO::openimage ( const char *  filename,
const char *  mode 
) [static]

open an image file.

The r,g,b can then be retrieved as bytes arrays using ReadBytes() function.

filename,: such as BMP, DDS, JPG, etc. It must be a square image. The size of the image can thus be calculated by file size.
mode : access mode
  • "r8g8b8": each pixel is a three bytes of R,G,B
  • "a8r8g8b8": each pixel is a four bytes of A,R,G,B
  • "float32": each pixel is a four bytes of float. [Not supported yet]

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::CreateDirectory ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

make directory

filename,: director path. file portion will be automatically striped off. So it is ok to pass in file name, instead of directory name.
: true if the directory is made or already exists

void ParaScripting::ParaIO::CloseFile (  )  [static]

Close the current file.

void ParaScripting::ParaIO::WriteString ( const char *  str  )  [static]

write a string to the current file.

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::readline (  )  [static]

read line as a string.

The string is guaranteed to be ended with ''. if end of file is reached, it will return NULL. which is nil in the script. if a line begins with "--", it is automatically recognized as a comment line and will be skipped. a blank line will also be skipped.

void ParaScripting::ParaIO::write ( const char *  buffer,
int  nSize 
) [static]

write a buffer to the current file.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::DoesFileExist ( const char *  filename,
bool  bSearchZipFiles 
) [static]

Check whether a given file exists on disk.

filename,: file name to check
bSearchZipFiles,: if false, not disk file is searched. If true, both the disk file and zip file will be searched. currently bSearchZipFiles can only be false. Because it is not efficient to check existence of ZIPPED files. Use OpenFile() and check for return value instead.

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::DoesFileExist_ ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

see DoesFileExist().

This version is same as DoesFileExist(filename, false);

bool ParaScripting::ParaIO::BackupFile ( const char *  filename  )  [static]

backup a specified file, if the file exists.

A new file with an extension ".bak" appended to the end of the original file will be created, whose content is identical to the original file.

filename,: file name to back up
: return true if the file is backed up. return false, if the file does not exist or some error occurs during backup.

ParaSearchResult ParaScripting::ParaIO::SearchFiles ( const char *  sRootPath,
const char *  sFilePattern,
const char *  sZipArchive,
int  nSubLevel,
int  nMaxFilesNum,
int  nFrom 
) [static]

search files at once.

See also:
CSearchResult the current version of this function can support only one query at a time. The search result is invalid if called intermitantly
sRootPath,: the root path. for example: "", "xmodel/","xmodel/models/". Other format is not acceptable
sFilePattern,: file pattern, e.g. "*.x" (all files with x extension), "*" (any files), "*."(directories only) if sZipArchive is non-empty, sFilePattern support both regular expression and wild card search. it performs wild cards search by default, where "/\\" matches to directory. "* "matches to anything except "/\\.", and "." matches to "." itself. e.g.. "*.*", "*.", "worlds/*.abc", "*abc/*.jpg", etc it sFilePattern begins with ":", things after ":" is treated like a regular expression. It has the same syntax with the perl regular expression and uses full match. e.g.. ":.*\\.jpg", etc.
sZipArchive,: it can be "" or a zip archive file name. if it is "", only disk files are searched. if it is not, only that archive files are saved.
nSubLevel,: how many sub folders of sRootPath to look into. default value is 0, which only searches the sRootPath folder.
nMaxFilesNum,: one can limit the total number of files in the search result. Default value is 50. the search will stop at this value even there are more matching files.
nFrom,: only contains results from nFrom to (nFrom+nMaxFilesNum)
: one should manually release the search result.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetCurDirectory ( DWORD  dwDirectoryType  )  [static]

get the current directory of the application.

it allows querying a number of standard directories. please note that all directory are returned as absolute path with slash "/" between two level of directories. and that it always ends with "\". e.g. "c:/lxzsrc/paraengineSDK/" or "c:/lxzsrc/paraengineSDK/script/"

: the directory is returned.

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetCurDirectory_ ( DWORD  dwDirectoryType  )  [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetParentDirectoryFromPath ( const char *  sfilename,
int  nParentCounts 
) [static]

trim the sFile by nParentCounts number of parent directories.

nParentCounts,: number of parent directory to remove
: return "" if the input directory does not have that many parent directories. e.g. "C:/abc/" = GetDirectoryFromPath("C:/abc/aaa",0); "C:/" = GetDirectoryFromPath("C:/abc/",1);

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetParentDirectoryFromPath_ ( const char *  sfilename,
int  nParentCounts 
) [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::AutoFindParaEngineRootPath ( const char *  sFile  )  [static]

This will find the root path from a given directory path using the following rule: find a file called "ParaEngine.sig" in the parent directories of sFile, from near to far.

e.g. if sFile is "c:/a/b/c/xxx.x", then it will search for "c:/a/b/c/","c:/a/b/","c:/a/" and "c:/". the function will return the first parent directory that contains the file, otherwise "" is returned.

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::AutoFindParaEngineRootPath_ ( const char *  sFile  )  [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::ChangeFileExtension ( const char *  sFile,
const string &  sExt 
) [static]

change the file extension.

sFile,: the file whose extension to change.
sExt,: the file extension to change to. such as "dds","x"
: return the file with the changed extension. the input file does not contain a valid file extension, the returned string will be identical to the input file.

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::ChangeFileExtension_ ( const char *  sFile,
const string &  sExt 
) [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetFileExtension ( const char *  sFile  )  [static]

get the file extension.

this function may return "" if no file extension is found

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetFileExtension_ ( const char *  sFile  )  [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetRelativePath ( const char *  sAbsolutePath,
const char *  sRootPath 
) [static]

Get the relative file path by stripping the root path from the beginning.

please note that all paths should uses slash "/", instead of backslash "\", in the path name.letter case is ignored

sAbsolutePath,: the absolute path from which to obtain the relative path.
sRootPath,: the parent root path, which will be removed from the absolute path. It should end with "/"
: the relative path is returned. If the absolute path does not math the root path, the absolute path is returned unchanged. the relative path does not begin with "/" e.g. "a/b.x" = GetRelativePath("c:/lxzsrc/a/b.x", "c:/lxzsrc/"); "c:/lxzsrc/a/b.x" = GetRelativePath("c:/lxzsrc/a/b.x", "c:/srclxz/"); // not match

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetRelativePath_ ( const char *  sAbsolutePath,
const char *  sRootPath 
) [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetAbsolutePath ( const char *  sRelativePath,
const char *  sRootPath 
) [static]

Get the absolute file path by appending the root path before the relative path.

please note that all paths should uses slash "/", instead of backslash "\", in the path name. letter case is ignored

sRelativePath,: the absolute path from which to obtain the relative path. It should not begin with "/"
sRootPath,: the parent root path, which will be removed from the absolute path. It should end with "/"
: the relative path is returned. If the absolute path does not math the root path, the absolute path is returned unchanged. e.g. "c:/lxzsrc/a/b.x" = GetAbsolutePath("a/b.x", "c:/lxzsrc/");

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetAbsolutePath_ ( const char *  sRelativePath,
const char *  sRootPath 
) [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetFileName ( const char *  sFilePath  )  [static]

get only the file name from the file path.

"a.x" = GetFileName("c:/lxzsrc/a.x");

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetFileName_ ( const char *  sFilePath  )  [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

int ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetFileSize ( const char *  sFilePath  )  [static]

The GetFileSize function retrieves the size of the specified file.

The file size that can be reported by this function is limited to a DWORD value

: size of the file. If the file does not exist or the file size is 0, the return value is 0.
: only disk file is searched.files inside zip file are ignored.

string ParaScripting::ParaIO::ToCanonicalFilePath ( const char *  sfilename,
bool  bBackSlash 
) [static]

convert a file name to canonical file path

sfilename,: it is assumed that strlen(filename) <= MAX_PATH
bBackSlash,: if true, the file will use '\'; otherwise use '/'. '\' is win32 compatible. '/' is more user friendly.
: the canonical file path name returned.

const char * ParaScripting::ParaIO::ToCanonicalFilePath__ ( const char *  sfilename,
bool  bBackSlash 
) [static]

this should never be called from the scripting interface.

it is only for API exportation. it uses a static string for the output. so it is not thread-safe.

void ParaScripting::ParaIO::SetDiskFilePriority ( int  nPriority  )  [static]

set the disk file priority.

it affects whether the disk will be searched first or the one in the archive files. default disk file will be searched first.

nPriority,: 0 is the same priority as the disk file. so 0 or above will cause the disk file to be searched before archive files. below 0, such as -1 will cause the archive files go first.

int ParaScripting::ParaIO::GetDiskFilePriority (  )  [static]

set the disk file priority.

it affects whether the disk will be searched first or the one in the archive files. default disk file will be searched first.

: 0 is the same priority as the disk file. so 0 or above will cause the disk file to be searched before archive files. below 0, such as -1 will cause the archive files go first.

Generated on Mon Dec 1 14:34:45 2008 for NPL Scripting Reference for ParaEngine by  doxygen 1.5.2