ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Para3DCanvas class:.

Public Member Functions

 Para3DCanvas (int nIndex)
bool IsValid ()
 check if the object is valid
void SaveToFile (const char *sFileName, int nImageSize)
 save to file.
void Zoom (float fAmount)
 Zoom the camera.
void ZoomAll ()
 zoom to show all objects
void Rotate (float dx, float dy, float dz)
 rotate the camera round the object on canvas
void Pan (float dx, float dy)
 pan the camera
void SetMaskTexture (const char *sTextureFilePath)
 this is an optional 2D mask, which is drawn over the entire canvas after scene is rendered in to it.

Public Attributes

int m_nIndex

Member Function Documentation

void ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas::SaveToFile ( const char *  sFileName,
int  nImageSize 

save to file.

sFileName a texture file path to save the file to. we support ".dds", ".jpg", ".png" files. If the file extension is not recognized, ".png" file is used.
nImageSize,: if this is zero, the original size is used. If it is dds, all mip map levels are saved.

void ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas::Zoom ( float  fAmount  ) 

Zoom the camera.


void ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas::Rotate ( float  dx,
float  dy,
float  dz 

rotate the camera round the object on canvas

dx should be 0
dy relative amount in radian.
dz should be 0

void ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas::Pan ( float  dx,
float  dy 

pan the camera

dx relative amount in pixels
dy relative amount in pixels

void ParaScripting::Para3DCanvas::SetMaskTexture ( const char *  sTextureFilePath  ) 

this is an optional 2D mask, which is drawn over the entire canvas after scene is rendered in to it.

sTextureFilePath,: the texture file.

Generated on Mon Dec 1 14:34:45 2008 for NPL Scripting Reference for ParaEngine by  doxygen 1.5.2